Keepin’ Austin Cool

Today marks 70 days of 100°+  temperatures in Austin this year, breaking the previous record set in 2009. Austinites have needed to work extra hard this summer to keep up the city’s “cool factor”… 

Slacklining. Lines are strung between trees, bridge abutments and railings around Lady Bird Lake. And yes, sometimes we see these guys fall into the lake.

Pilates on SUP. These hard-core pilates enthusiasts have impressive balance on their Stand Up Paddleboards. And yes, sometimes we see them accidentally fall off  into the water.

Adidas photo shoot. We wondered what was going on last week when this two-story raft slowly drifted by. And yes, these people jumped into the lake and swam around. (Normally swimming is prohibited in this part of the lake.) 

Bat watching. More kayaks and canoes are around in the evenings since the bats now leave the Congress Avenue bridge well before sunset. I’ve read that the bats are having a harder time finding food at night so they leave earlier in the evening. And yes, often boaters jump into the lake to cool off!

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