Ride for the Roses
Over 4300 riders showed up for this year’s Ride for the Roses. Bill has been riding in Livestrong’s Ride for the Roses for several years now. He doesn’t do the long, long distances like Lance and his friends, but he enjoys the challenge of the 50-60-ish mile rides. Unfortunately this year there were no distance choices in Bill’s range, so he did a shorter ride.
Lance said a few words before the 2012 ride started on Sunday morning, saying that the last few weeks have been tough but not the worst in his life. 100% of the Ride for the Roses proceeds benefit the Livestrong Foundation.
AIDS Walk Austin
AIDS Services of Austin was the beneficiary of Sunday afternoon’s AIDS Walk Austin. Over 1000 people of all ages participated. This year I noticed quite a few UT students were in the crowd. Several AIDS quilts were displayed in the lobby of the Austin City Hall.