Report to State Parade: 2016

JC20160206_0810Several thousand Boy Scouts and their leaders participated in the annual Report to State parade on Saturday morning. As usual, the parade formed on the Congress Avenue Bridge and then headed north on Congress Avenue to meet officials in the State Capitol.


Temperatures were in the mid-40s, but a strong wind made the air feel cooler. Gusts made flag handling trickier than usual. Members of the UT service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega struggled to keep their large Texas flag from blowing away.


The theme of the parade was Out of the Past…Into the Future. Previous scout parades always featured many trailer floats and military vehicles, but this year there were just a few. Instead, a long line of scouts and leaders simply walked up Congress Avenue.


I was glad to see that our old troop did not abandon their long-standing tradition of playing their band instruments in the parade. And let’s hear it for the tuba player!

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