I am glad to be back home in Austin. I was away over spring break, visiting family and friends. Yes, I missed SXSW last week. Bill stayed in town for SXSW Music and Film. You can read his movie reviews at billandbillmovies.com.
When I arrived earlier today, the Austin airport was crowded with musicians and tourists waiting to catch flights out of town. Everyone seemed to be playing or carrying guitars. Carolyn Wonderland and her band were performing on the terminal’s upstairs stage…one last Austin music memory for some, but more like a “Welcome Home” sign for me.
This afternoon I happily resumed my daily jaunts around Lady Bird Lake. I see that the city still has cleanup work to complete from SXSW. Fences are still up from the concerts at Auditorium Shores and litter needs to be fished out of the lake.
Temperatures are warmer now and I can tell that Austin had more rain last week. Children are once again playing in the fountain over at Butler Park. Hopefully the other downtown fountains will be turned on too, now that our drought restrictions are easing.
More rain is predicted for tonight and tomorrow as a cold front approaches our area. But, hey, it’s good to be back home again!