The annual statewide Lego convention, Brick Fiesta, rotated back to Austin last week. Since the last show held here in 2015 (so long ago now!), I have been dutifully dragging Bill to every Lego movie. Sometimes I spontaneously start singing Everything is Awesome. I search out Lego stores and am especially fond of the one in NYC’s Rockefeller Center. So I was pumped to see the latest Brick Fiesta exhibition. And I was not disappointed, even though I might have been the only adult visitor without children.

Brick Fiesta was even more Awesome than I had remembered. Here were the 2019 MOC (My Own Creation) categories: Architecture; Art/Sculpture; Castle; City; Creatures and Mecha; Great Ball Contraptions (GBCs); Historical; Microscale; Military; Photography; Planes, Trains and Automobiles (and Boats); Pop Culture; Robotics; Sci-Fi and Fantasy; Space! Space! Space!; Star Wars; Superheroes/Villains; Technic; and Youth. I’ll show you some of my favorite MOCs from a few of the categories.

Let’s start our photo tour with some Castles. Located just inside the entrance doors to the exhibition hall, this huge castle featured detailed vignettes in every room on its 6+ floors.

I really liked the unusual orange, red, and purple trees in this castle scene.

Here was another castle layout with a more traditional color scheme adorned with plenty of delightful details.

Next up: the Star Wars category. According to the builders: “This MOC depicts Hux’s galvanizing speech on the First Order’s Starkiller Base. This MOC is still a work in progress. At its completion, it will almost triple in size.” Serious fans there.

This was a different iconic Star Wars scene: The Battle for Endor.

Master builders definitely take this Star Wars theme seriously. I’m guessing there are many different Stars Wars Lego sets, so there’s lots of appropriated-themed pieces available. This Rebel Alliance Space Station was about six-feet tall.

Here’s an example from the Sci Fi and Fantasy category. You might remember this scene from one of the Lord of the Rings movies: “The Council of Elrond at the Last Homely House East of the Sea.”

Local Austin buildings were recreated for many of the Architecture MOCs. This intricate model of the Texas State Capitol will soon be displayed at the Capitol Visitor Center.

Here’s an impressive version of the University of Texas Tower. That’s a model of the Congress Avenue Bridge to the right.

Some of the Lego MOCs were quite creative, although I doubt if Lego clothes will become a trend. This Pink Shirt fit into the Art/Sculpture category.

Here’s a Pop Culture MOC. The creator of this old-school record player (with a spinning record) jokingly told me that it was playing The Sounds of Silence.

Once again the Texas Brick Railroad club had a huge cityscape display featuring all sorts of moving trains. I’m afraid this entry is already too long, so I’ll just leave some additional photos of their layouts below. As you can tell from these photographs, Brick Fiesta 2019 was Awesome! (And Brick Fiesta 2020 is in Sugar Land, TX next July.)

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