“Classic Movies” was the theme for this year’s Holiday Window Walk in Austin’s 2nd Street District. Theater design students from St. Edwards University and Texas State University decorated storefront windows in our neighborhood with scenes from famous movies. The students competed for several scholarships which were awarded in mid-December. See if you can guess the winners…
Annie Hall at Flor
Back to the Future at Austin Rocks
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at Toy Joy
Breakfast at Tiffany’s at Etcetera
The Wizard of Oz (Emerald City) at Con’ Olio
James Bond at Luxe Apothetique
The winners were: Jaws, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and Rocky. The window decorations will remain up through New Years Day, so there’s still time to see them if you are downtown over the the holidays.