Dear USPS:
I was heartbroken to receive your recent “Dear Postal Customer” letter.
I had hoped that the rumors were untrue, but it looks like you really are selling the downtown post office. I realize that the postal business is not doing well these days and that this particular location sits on a full city block of prime downtown real estate. I guess charging for evening bar-hopper parking hasn’t helped to make ends meet?

Yes, we have had a love-hate relationship over the years, but this particular station is one of your best. Lines move quickly. Your employees are helpful. Your Self-Service Ship and Mail Center works most of the time and your package drop box doesn’t get jammed (unlike a certain Northwest Austin station).

Last weekend I was prepared to exchange my three-block walk for the three-mile drive to my newly-assigned station in the hinterlands of South Austin. I walked over my beloved downtown station to take a few photos and to say a final good-bye. Much to my surprise, everything was still in place. You kindly left a note on the door to let me know that the move is being delayed for one month. Thank you for brief reprieve. This may give me enough incentive to do some extremely early Christmas shopping.
You also posted another notice, that a new site for a downtown postal station is being sought. Can you please hurry with this search?