LIVESTRONG Challenge: 2016


Last weekend Bill participated in the LIVESTRONG Challenge. This event was primarily a bike ride, but also had a 5K run/walk option. Proceeds benefited the LIVESTRONG Cancer Institutes of the Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin.


Riders could choose distances of 20, 45, 65, or 100 miles. Cyclists doing the longer distances had to arrive at established checkpoints by certain times in order to complete the course by the 4 PM cut-off time. Otherwise, they were rerouted to a shorter route or driven to the finish.


All ride distances started and ended on Riverside Drive. I met Bill there when he finished. Participants were treated to free tacos and hamburgers. We walked around and looked at the vendor booths.


Lance Armstrong had originally started this as the Ride for the Roses, which is why cancer survivors received yellow roses when they finished. As a result of his Tour de France scandal, Lance is no longer associated with the organization. He rode in last year’s race, but we didn’t see him there this year.

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