HAAM Benefit Day: 2016


Yesterday was HAAM Benefit Day, an annual fundraising day for the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians. HAAM is a non-profit that helps local musicians gain access to affordable healthcare services. Over 200 groups performed at various locations to raise awareness and much-needed funds. A long list of local businesses also contributed at least 5% of their receipts for the day.


Bill and I ate lunch at the downtown Whole Foods and listened to an energetic set by Carolyn Wonderland and Shelley King. We were almost standing next to them outside the store’s front entrance.


We also heard part of the next performance by Wendy Colonna. We didn’t get to see as many musicians this year because the concerts were spread out around the Austin area and not just centered around downtown. Hopefully this change resulted in bigger audiences and, more importantly, bigger donations for this worthwhile organization.


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