Zilker Garden Festival

Beautiful spring weather was on tap for the 60th annual Zilker Garden Festival. One of the vendors told me that the weather has been wonderful for the ten years that she’s had a booth there. The annual Zilker Kite Festival, also held in Zilker Park few weeks earlier, has not been so fortunate in recent years.

The Zilker Garden Festival was held on the grounds of the Zilker Botanical Gardens and was co-sponsored by the Austin Area Garden Club and the City of Austin. Vendors sold all sorts of plants, pots, and garden-related items at an outdoor market that was set up in the parking lot. We spoke to Dan of Dan’s Bird Feeders about his colorful feeders made out of pottery bowls and plates.

The Texas Garden Railroaders set up a train display just outside of the Garden Center building. The layout was nothing fancy, but I do love model railroads.

Apparently miniature Faerie Homes are a thing. Some examples were on display to publicize the opening of their Woodland Faerie Trail on May 27.

I looked around the Flower Show inside the Zilker Garden Center building. The show’s theme was “Only in Austin,” featuring categories that locals would appreciate.

This pretty arrangement won first place in the “Texas State Capitol: a parallel design” category.

This small vase was an entry for the Petite (under 8 inches) “Zilker Kite Festival” category.

Apparently Table Artistry is a also thing. This was the winner of the “Supper at the Broken Spoke” category.

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