Dear USPS (Four Months Later)


Dear USPS:

It’s been four long months since you first notified me that the downtown post office was  leaving its convenient-to-me-is-all-that-matters location. A few weeks ago you moved to the first floor of an office building on Congress Avenue. The view from the street looks a little strange, but perhaps the empty, glassed-in front room will eventually be removed. I’m guessing you are not using this room because you didn’t like the lingering smell from the cigar shop that used to be there.

Inside, your new post office is surprisingly bright and spacious. Numerous PO boxes line the walls behind the lobby. Helpful postal employees are still behind the counter. Fortunately your new location is within walking distance for me, since there is no free parking nearby. But most importantly, the Self-Service Ship and Mail Center is re-installed in the lobby.

You probably realize that your Self-Service Ship and Mail Centers are a finicky bunch. While the downtown location was closed, I drove to three different post offices before finding one that worked. I longed for the dependability of the downtown machine, and am thrilled to see it back in service.


I’ve enclosed a photo of my favorite Self-Service Ship and Mail Center in its new home. Notice how the machine just screams “I am ready to help you”. . .selection screen properly displayed, no stray labels stuck in the scale, and the receipt from the previous user waiting to be pulled out. It’s truly a sight to behold.

I remain,

Your Postal Customer


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