Each year the City of Austin sponsors an exhibition called The People’s Gallery inside our City Hall building. The exhibition also includes a contest where visitors can vote for their three favorite pieces. The top vote-getter will be announced early next year and purchased by the city for their permanent collection. The contest ended in October, but the exhibition continues until January 7, 2016.
This year’s exhibition features works created by over 100 local artists. I recently visited City Hall (where has 2015 gone?), and thought that this is the best one yet. Here’s some of my favorites…we’ll see if one of these is chosen as The People’s Choice for 2015!
Welcome to Austin – Faith Schexnayder and Ryan Day
The Deeper You Go, the Richer It Gets – Valerie Fowler
Three Girls – Kristie Zamrazil
Lamar Bridge at Night – Lucy MacQueen
Tribute – Jonathan Grider
This is Not a Drill – Lee Edwards
Nectar of Immortality – Greg Davis
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