Warm temperatures and free street parking prompted Bill and me to visit Creek Show on Sunday evening. This 6th annual light-based display is sponsored by Waterloo Greenway, a non-profit working with the City of Austin to plan and build a park along Waller Creek on downtown’s east side. Creek Show runs 6:00-10:00 PM nightly through November 17. Admission is free.

The entrance line was already over a block long when Bill and I arrived at 6 PM, but the line moved quickly. The first exhibit, Light House, was set up right inside the show’s entrance on 9th Street. Although ramps led in and out of the house, we were not allowed to enter for some reason.

Downstream Upcycle consisted of hotel shampoo bottles filled with UV dye and arranged under black lights. According to the creators, “the installation highlights the challenges of current waste management practices and their impacts on Waller Creek.”

White cylindrical lights were arranged in and around Waller Creek for AURORA. This exhibit was intended to be an interactive light show, but wasn’t working correctly during our visit.

Visitors meandered through cave-like plastic strips (hung under a bridge) in a piece appropriately called m e a n d e r . This was my favorite exhibit. Walking through the strips was fun.

These colorful, twisting shapes named String Theory were reflected in the creek water.

The oars of The Ghost Boat were connected to a motorized rod and silently rowed above Waller Creek. Definitely the creepiest exhibit this year.

Creek Show ended at 12th Street with a Creek Monster Habitat created by University of Texas students.
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