A SoCo Sunday


Today was the kind of day that would make anyone wish they were in Austin, Texas. The clear, blue sky and warm, mid-70s temperatures were a welcome break from our recent  blizzards and non-blizzards. This seemed like the perfect day for a walk along South Congress Avenue.


Sometimes the SoCo sidewalks can be packed with people, especially around holidays, but today felt like a more local crowd, with folks just out to enjoy a beautiful Sunday afternoon. SoCo is typically a little weirder than the rest of Austin, and today was no exception…


Everyone was taking pictures of the horseback riders, who were busy taking pictures of themselves. It’s actually not unusual to see horses around downtown Austin, but not on South Congress.


Home Slice and More Home Slice were packed with customers, vintage jalopies, and motorcycles. I assume they were all playing nicely and celebrating National Pizza Day today.

DSC00833The Hey Cupcake! trailer had a long line. National Cupcake Day is officially December 15, but maybe every day is considered a cupcake holiday?


There was another long wait at Amy’s Ice Cream as well. National Ice Cream Day isn’t until July, so I’m pretty sure these people were just hungry for ice cream.


I stopped for a while to listen to the house band at Jo’s Coffee. It still surprises me that Texans will break into a two-step anywhere, even in a coffee shop parking lot.

DSC00864This woman was dancing near me, so I asked her about the flower pot. She showed me that it was just balanced on her head and not attached to a headband or anything. I asked, but didn’t figure out why she was doing this.


As a fitting end to a perfectly Austin-Weird afternoon, the Oscar Mayer Weiner Mobile was sitting outside the Long Center. Today’s performance there was The Peking Acrobats. I didn’t figure this one out either.

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