Art City Austin took place right below our apartment this weekend. Artists from central Texas and around the US displayed photography, sculpture, jewelry, paintings, and more in this show sponsored by Art Alliance Austin. With an admission fee of $8 per adult, ACA had fewer attendees than the free Pecan Street Festival, but higher quality artwork.
Last year’s ACA weekend was extremely hot. This year, Saturday was extremely windy. I was worried that the canvas booths might blow over, but they seemed to be securely weighted down. On Sunday a rainstorm came through about noon and then temperatures dropped to the low ’60s. As a result, I think attendance was lower on Sunday than on Saturday.
Many artists posted “No Photographs, Please” so I didn’t take many pictures and just enjoyed browsing the booths. I decided against purchasing a print of yellow rubber duckies, since I am determined to stay downsized. And I loved the bronze palm tree with halogen lights in the coconuts but then I remembered that we have no yard. Bill was relieved that I did not bring back either of these items.
Austin Energy’s winning designs for the Refrigerator Recycling Art Contest were also on display. I always wondered what happened to old refrigerator doors. Now I know.